Did you know that:

* an incredible 96% of all weight loss attempts fail

*over 70% of Americans is overweight

*almost 25% of us are now "clinically obese"

*and we gain back a heartbreaking 95% of the pounds we lose!


Do you find all of this shocking - and as unacceptable - as we do?  If so...


Consumer Reports Magazine article titled "The Truth About Dieting" (June 2002) reported that people who were most successful at weigh loss "did not involve themselves with Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or any other organization."  Instead, the researchers found that...


"If any other thing made a difference for them, it was one-on-one counseling from a professional such as a psychologist, nutritionist or personal trainer..."(p.27)


The preventative recommendation specifies how adults, by engaging in regular physical activitity, can promote and maintain health, and reduce risk of chronic disease and premature death.


This unbiased article reflects the experience of more than 800 successful weight "losers" - real people living in the real world.


Having a personal trainer and coach will dramatically increase you chances for success, too, because most people find that they can do with a coach what they just couldn't do on their own.




1.  You Get Much Quicker Results - Working with a top qualified fitness trainer is your proven fast track to success.  Your trainer's expertise, clear focus and targeted resources will get you to your goals at mazimum speed - without detours, wheel-spinning, or backsliding.

2.  It's Much More Effective and Efficient - You don't waste your precious time, energy, and other resources doing what doesn't work.  You do what works for YOU, you do it consistently, and your reach your goals much faster.

3.  You Get Solid, Consistent, Unwavering Support - As you may know, not everyone in life always has your best interest at heart.  But your trainer's only goal is your total success.

4.  You Join The Winners! - The widespread use of personal trainers by successful people in all walks of life is the strongest testament to the difference a good fitness coach will make in your life.

5.  You're Way Ahead Of Those Who Try To 'Go It Alone" - Many people will be "penny wise and pound foolish" by trying to do it all by themselves.  As a result, the success that could quickly have been theirs may come slowly - or not at all.  Why put yourself through that?